Peach-A-Licious Itoh Peony


Do you share my admiration for peach flowers? This exquisite plant features creamy peach-orange double blossoms that resemble delicate folds of silk. Its deep olive-green leaves create a perfect contrast, enhancing the beauty of the stunning summer display. Not only is this selection deer and mildew-resistant, but it also blooms consistently and showcases a lovely maroon hue in the fall, adding abundant charm to any garden.

This specific variety, like all introductions in the Candy Series by Don Smith, has been propagated through tissue culture, an innovative method for replicating peonies. One major advantage of this technique is the rapid production of exact replicas of the parent plant. Traditional methods like grow and divide can take years before new varieties are available in the market. Although the roots of these tissue-cultured peonies may appear smaller compared to traditional peony roots, they are packed with numerous eyes, ensuring a strong foundation for their growth and development.

10 in stock